First Victory of the Season – Team Israel U20 Heads to Bulgaria!

The tragic events of October 7th, forever etched in history as “Black Saturday,” brought unprecedented changes to our nation, impacting every facet of life, including ice hockey. At home, the IHFI had to defer the commencement of the INHL’s new season. Internationally, adjustments were also inevitable.

When the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) decided to relocate the U20 Division IIIA World Championship from Tnuvot’s OneIce Arena to Bulgaria, IHFI acknowledged this unavoidable change with a sense of regret but also with understanding and respect.

However, the decision that followed, announced on January 10th, shocked many across the globe. The IIHF declared a ban on all Israeli teams from participating in IIHF tournaments, citing safety and security concerns for all participants.

“In light of concerns over the safety and security of all participants in the Championships, Israel will not participate in IIHF Competitions for the time being,” stated the official release on

This decision, perceived as unjust, ill-motivated, and discriminatory, prompted IHFI to launch a vigorous campaign for its reversal. With unanimous support from national sports authorities, we fought to overturn a decision that threatened to set Israeli hockey back and nullify our recent accomplishments.

After a week of intense and uncompromising battle for our rights, the IIHF finally heeded our voice, lifting the ban. “Following recent exchanges and extensive discussions with all involved stakeholders, the IIHF has received confirmation from the Ministry of Youth and Sport in Bulgaria and the related Organizing Committee, allowing the Israeli National Team to participate in the 2024 IIHF Ice Hockey U20 World Championship Division III, Group A (WM20IIIA), taking place in Sofia from January 22-29, 2024,” announced the IIHF on January 17th.

Thus, the Israeli U20 team is en route to Bulgaria for this annual celebration of junior ice hockey. In Sofia, from January 22nd to the 28th, our players will face off against counterparts from Bulgaria, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, and Turkey. While the results remain to be seen, we proudly declare our first victory of the year.

Our heartfelt thanks go to the National Olympic Committee of Israel as well as the Israeli Ministry of Sport which also supported our case, and our supporters worldwide. Your unwavering efforts to restore justice were invaluable, and the outpouring of support through our website was genuinely touching. This victory is undeniably ours collectively!

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